Monday (the 30th) was the Dutch national holiday called Queen's day! We celebrate our old queen's birthday by turning the country into a flea market and partying hard from am to am. As you can see in the pictures below, people dress in orange on this day. I own no orange clothing and dressed in blue. :'D
Unfortunately, had to work from 12 to 8, but I got my share of queen's day in! Went out to the Vondel park and walked around to take in the atmosphere. I really like Queen's day. It's rather crowded and busy all day, but everyone's happy and having fun. Everything that's sold is REALLY cheap (video games for €1 each. Um, fuck yea?)and you can even bargain :'D *feels wonderfully Dutch by talking about cheap things*
;_; I bought games in the beginning and people that also selled games kept thinking I stole their games ;___; IS IT BECAUSE I'M BLACK? HUH? WELL?! 8 A 8 Huuuuuu
Some dude also sold his Playstation3 for 100 bucks. :l That guy must've been retarded or it was broken.
My gets! Videogames for €1 each and a gameboy colour for €3! The keys are a bit busted, but eeeeeeeeeeeeeeyy GBC! ♥
ANYWAY, I took some pictures :3
Trams had the dutch flag on them .u.