maandag 25 juni 2012

Dieting and a coord

Creative title is creative ohohoho

In this entry I'd like to talk about something most gyaru and gyaruo, gaijin or not, have to deal with to fit in that d.i.a. top of those diavlo jeans without muffin topping the fuck out of them and looking like they bought clothes a size or 2 too small: dieting!

Even though I'm kinda tall (5'7"ft/172cm) and I look like I've got a bitchin' body, I, UNFORTUNATELY, do not. I dont seem to gain weight anywhere else but my stomach, causing an unnecessary beer gut effect and making me the walking, talking example of 'stand up, awesome figure. Sit down, fat', and
I've tried a fucklot of diets (low carb diet, low calories diet, starve-yourself-and-hope-you-dont-try-to-eat-the-entire-fridge diet, and more) and they all kinda didn't really work cause I didn't really have a goal. I just did it (e 3e;;) SO instead of dieting without any type of goal aside from my ideal weight, I will do a 14-day diet and weigh myself every morning right after I get up.

  • Weigh 56kg
  • have a 80cm waist
  • Fit in that gray pair of jeans without looking like a land whale.
To help me with that I will forbid myself a few things:
  • DON'T drink soda/carbonated drinks, get juice or water instead!
  • DON'T eat fast food (my mother is the one that feeds me that stuff so much ; - ;)
  • DON'T use any condiments (mayo, garlic sauce, mustard, bbq sauce) when I don't have to. (I don't need mayo on my sandwiches >:T)

And I will keep myself to a few things:

  • Drink a glass of water before every meal.
  • Do 30 minutes of jumproping every day.
  • Drink more water in general. Keeps my skin in top form as well. Win/win situation!
  • Play more DDR! It records how much calories you burn per song and as I burn about 13/14 per song, 10 songs would have me at 130/140! Plus, DDR is fucking awesome!
I think that if I keep myself to these, I'll be able to pose and sparkle like this chibi gyaru in no time! EHEN!
Dieting aside! I wanted to show off my host kei coord that I did last Sunday. No binder or wig because my mother wanted me to go to her event like a girl. I cheated my way into a manly outfit, but the teets had to stay. /cries

Dieting aside! I wanted to show off my host kei coord that I did last Sunday. No binder or wig because my mother wanted me to go to her event like a girl. I cheated my way into a manly outfit, but the teets had to stay. /cries.
LASTLY! Doesn't this boy look fierce? I love his hair and everything ; o ; ♥ ♥ I want to style my new wig just like that! I have to buy myself a plain blue shirt and some sand coloured pants. I've been seeing them everywhere lately!

x. Naoki

OH. BEFORE I FORGET: I made a blog on Ameba! [CLICK] Joined a load of dansou (= girls that dress like boys) groups and this will help me get better at Japanese as well! Win/win~

woensdag 20 juni 2012

Trip to Almere

Hello, my sweet applepie darlings~ *VenusAngelic type voice*

I'll start off by saying that I GRADUATED~!! I graduated with pretty awesome marks, too! Eeee so proud of myself. (>u<)

Last weekend I went to visit one of my best friends, Chloe, in Almere. We played videogames, went shopping, ate candy, got fat, watched BL. You know, fujoshi things~ bahaha!

Coord on Friday. Took this pic in the snackbar while waiting for my kapsalon that was getting prepared. Note to self: never buy their kapsalon again. Their cheese tasted like sweaty balls. Not that I know what those taste like, but I'm PRETTY SURE that cheese got PRETTY CLOSE.

maandag 11 juni 2012

Future gets!


I don't really have anything to blog about, but I wanted to update, so I'll just show you the things I have bought and will/might be buying in the future! What I already bought is in bold :3

  1. Star shirt that I've been wanting FOREVER
  2. That print is so Glad News and boy, do I LOOOOVE Glad News ♥
  3. Wig I love and bought *u* it cost me like.. €15 ♥ ♥ ♥
  4. Camera! I need one and it's €21. Um, yes? :l
  5. Miyuki ♥ I've been craving new figurines forever and Miyuki is adorable so eeee only €14 at Bodyline and it's a figma, so this is a STEAL.
  6. Scarf! I've been seeing scarves everywhere on models, so I figured I shouldget one too to stay up-to-date haha!
  7. Bamf. nuff said.
  8. I bought this shirt to coord some preppy looks with c:
  9. New Adult/Blytheye Pink! *o* They're so pretty omg♥♥

I also bought a school uniform off Bodyline. I've been wanting one for MONTHS and tadaaa! I bought some legwarmers to pose as loose socks because actual loose socks are like $50 :l VERY MANLY, I KNOW I KNOW. THIS IS THE NEW MEN'S EGG TREND. YEAAAAAHHHH!

Hm... I think that's about it c: Can't wait till my uniform, wig, shirt, and figurine arrive. :'D Akkun and I have been on an Ebay spree and omg so many jfashion-like things! ♥

I put 2 gifs with my inspirations in my left sidebar. That's obviously not ALL my inspo, but you knooow.

じゃ、またこんど バイバイ!

x. Naoki

vrijdag 8 juni 2012

60 followers and wig stuff~


I also got a valentine 2 weeks ago but I forgot to post so

I dunno who made it, but THANK YOU ♥
I've been getting compliments from various people as well and aaaa you guys are making me so happy ;___;

I restyled my wig today so my hairset is softer and less messy than my previous one

Opinions? :3

dinsdag 5 juni 2012

Gyaru Picknick!

Hi guys, this is just gonna be a really quick update because I have stuff to do, but I'd like to invite anyone that can to the Dutch Gyaru Pickpick!

The event will be on the 7th of July, in Utrecht and we'll gather at the central station at 12:30pm. It's not JUST for gyaru, by the way! Any other jfashion style can join our picknick. Whether you're gyaru, lolita, vkei, mori-kei, kodona, or even if you're got friends interested in jfashion: you're free to join us!

Event page on facebook is located here and here ->

x. Naoki