zondag 8 januari 2012

gtvuyhbjkfdvi Japanese classeeeeeeeess + All my sadfaces :ccc

So yesterday at work, after I brought her her order, I spoke to this Japanese lady, Yuriko, about the books on her table because they looked interesting. Flipping through them, we had a nice convo about her book and eventually she asked me if I spoke Japanese.

Me: Only a little bit (; u ;) I want to learn Japanese though (n u n;)
Her: Oh, well, I can teach you c:
Me: (Q_Q) You would? Really?!
Her: if you teach me English, I can teach you Japanese n u n Because I live here but I don' t know many Dutch words and my English isn't all that good either.
Me: Do I have to pay you? B-because I can?
Her: Nooo no no D: Language exchange. 
Me: (* u *) That's great! Thank you!

She asked me when I worked and I told her. After that, I gave her my number, wrote my name down after she asked me what it was (also wrote it down in katakana and she told me it was impressive and I felt like a beast , ahaha), she told me her name, I told her she had a pretty name (because I love the name Yuriko) aaaand then I went back to work GIDDY. AS. FUCK.



The only thing I regret is not asking her number because now I have to rely on her calling me before I get her number yvhjbdesdtfwyhjbkeds fak ಠ _ ಠ I will just have to wait till I see her again on either Monday or next Saturday.

Today is also Demy's last day here :c all our sads. Imma miss her like crazy ;_; gygiefukcjdev y u no speak Dutch so you can stay heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere?! (Ó A Ò) She's checking into her flight online right now and noooooooo dnw dnw dnw dnw dnw dnw dnw dnw (8 A 8)

We'll be going to the movies later, at least ; o ; Gonna go see the movie In Time. I'm excited, but I don't want her to go.

I also had a blow out in my left earlobe. :l It's swollen as fuck and it hurts, but at least it's not bleeding anymore? :l We'll just have to see when it heals and I can put my 12mm/000 taper back in, because I will NOT settle with having only 1 ear stretched >:C

x. Naokin~

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